Looking for a job in a fun environment with fun-loving co-workers? Look no further! North Berwyn Park District has full- and part-time jobs available now!
Follow the link for available positions: http://www.nbpd4fun.org/employment-volunteering
Like many organizations, NBPD has been and continues to face challenges hiring enough people to fill seasonal staff positions.
The district’s goal is to fill all open positions and have consistent operating hours at recreation facilities, and all services available, and park amenities fully maintained.
Filling vacant positions is difficult during a nationwide labor market shortage. Here and across the country, parks and recreation departments are struggling to hire due to a decline in youth interest, or youth choosing not to work over the summer break.
The Park District is focusing on recruiting enough people to host as much fun as we can, as safely as we can. One thing that we will never cut corners on is the safety of our community. From Spray Pool Monitors to Summer Camp Counselors, our staff will always work hard to keep community members safe as they enjoy our facilities and programs.
NBPD will keep the community informed over the next several months as we work to hire staff and, thus, make decisions about parks and recreation operations based on staffing levels.
If you know someone looking for a summer job, they can download an application @ http://docs.nbpd4fun.com/brochures/EmploymentApplication.pdf
All FOIA Requests should be directed and emailed to Angel Avalos Jr.(FOIA Officer) at Aavalos@nbpd4fun.org
& Nancy Woods at Nwoods@nbpd4fun.org
NOTICE is hereby given that the President and Board of Commissioners of the North Berwyn Park District, Cook County, Illinois, has made a determination of its prevailing rates of wages to be paid pursuant to “An Act regulating wages of laborers, mechanics and other workmen employed in any public works by the State, County, City or any public body or any political subdivision or by any one under contract for public works” approved June 26, 1941, as amended, and found at 820 ILCS 130/0.01-12. Prevailing wage schedule published at https://www2.illinois.gov/idol/laws-rules/CONMED/Pages/2017-Rates.aspx. Copies of this determination may be obtained upon request at the North Berwyn Park District offices, 1619 South Wesley, Berwyn, IL 60402.
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