NBPD Celebrates the 2022 Best of Berwyn Junior Citizen Recognition Program

5/17/2022 – Best of Berwyn 2022

The North Berwyn Park District recognized the top 3% 8th grade students in the City of Berwyn, led by Best of Berwyn winner Elizabeth “Viridian” Mota, at its annual Best of Berwyn Junior Citizen Recognition Dinner Tuesday, May 17, at Crystal Sky Banquet Hall, 7941 W. 47th Street, McCook.

Elizabeth “Veridian” Mota, a student at Heritage Middle School, was selected from a field of 25 students nominated by the following community organizations: Berwyn North School District 98, Elementary School District 100, The Berwyn Library, Pav YMCA, St. Leonard School, St. Odilo School, Police Explorers, Berwyn Park District and the Berwyn Recreation Department.

The criteria for selection includes being a well-rounded resident of Berwyn possessing community service experience, participating in extracurricular activities, excellent academic performance, strong moral and ethical values and future potential for success.

“I always hope to be a part of the continuous effort towards equality among people of diverse races, ethnicities, genders and sexual orientations,” Mota wrote in her application.

She was vice president of the Heritage Middle School Leadership Committee and has been active in the Accelerated Club, Ally Club, Our American Voice (OAV), Chicago Running Mates running club, the Board Game Club and was a Battle of the Books participant. She also ran cross country and was in the conference final as a member of the Berwyn South wrestling team. She has participated as a cast and crew member of the D100 musical every year since the fourth grade. The Emerson Elementary School graduate was awarded the President's Award for Educational Excellence recognizing academic success.

The runner up and third place finishers were Emilio E. Echeverry and Eugene Terrell III, respectively. Other nominees recognized at the dinner included Alexis Aleman, Jacob A. Alvarez, Melanie Arriaga, Erin Cahil, Gerardo A. Gil, Marina Lily Hernandez, Jarvis D. Inglam, Liliana Ionescu, Amira Malek, Alejandro Nava, Victoria Navarro, Flora Ortiz, Anna Pachla, Ava Perez, Naomi Plata, Raquel Rodriguez, Emma Shea, Kevonna Smith, Vimianchan Thach, Elisabeth Varela, Jamari K. Watkins and Haley May Wyant.

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North Berwyn Park District 

Community Center
Address: 1619 Wesley Avenue
Berwyn, IL 60402
Phone: (708) 749-4900
Fax: (708) 749-4966

Monday - Friday: 9:00 am – 7:00 pm 
Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Sunday: Closed
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