Events times and dates are subject to change

2025 *Events times and dates are subject to change


March 26: We Need to Talk: Determine Your Driving Skills
March 29: Play in a Day
March 31-April 4: Spring Break Camp


April 4: Senior Movie in the Afternoon: Chosen Family
April 7: Let Me Tell You, a Storytelling Jam
April 8: Senior Gala Spring Fling
April 10:  Board of Commissioners Board Meeting
April 11: Ceramic Paint Night
April 11: 16th St Children’s Theater Production
April 12: 16th St Children’s Theater Production
April 13: 16th St Children’s Theater Production
April 19: Easter Egg Hunt
April 19: Easter Parade
April 19: Easter Eggstravaganza
April 19: Easter Basket Delivery
April 21: Recycle Fashion Show Workshop
April 23: Recycle Fashion Show Workshop
April 25: Aroma Buddy Workshop
April 26: Recycle Fashion Show


May 2: Senior Movie in the Afternoon: Wicked
May 5: Let Me Tell You, a Storytelling Jam
May 7: Best of Berwyn Junior Citizen Recognition Program
May 8:  Board of Commissioners Board Meeting
May 9: Lip Balm Workshop


June 2: First Day of Summer Camp
June 2: First Day of Play Camp

June 2: Let Me Tell You, a Storytelling Jam
June 6: Senior Movie in the Afternoon: Here
June 9: First Day of Art Camp
June 9: First Day of Theater Camp
June 10: Senior Gala Summer Ball
June 12: Summer Kids Series
June 12: Board of Commissioners Board Meeting
June 13: 16th St. Theater One Man Show- Dad? Daddy? Poppa?
June 14: 16th St. Theater One Man Show- Dad? Daddy? Poppa?
June 15: 16th St. Theater One Man Show- Dad? Daddy? Poppa?
June 14: Art in the Park
June 19: Movie in the Park
June 21: Flea Market
June 28: Kids Flea Market


July 7: Let Me Tell You, a Storytelling Jam
July 10: Summer Kids Series
July 9:  Board of Commissioners Board Meeting
July 11: Senior Movie in the Afternoon: Juror
July 12: Flea Market
July 17: Movie in the Park
July 18: Senior Summer Bash
July 25: 16th St. Summer Children’s Theater Production
July 26: 16th St. Summer Children’s Theater Production
July 27: 16th St. Summer Children’s Theater Production


August 1: Senior Movie in the Afternoon:
August 4: Let Me Tell You, a Storytelling Jam
August 7: Summer Kids Series
August 7: Movie in the Park
August 14:  Board of Commissioners Board Meeting
August 13: Corrida Packet Pick-up
August 14: Corrida Packet Pick-up
August 15: Corrida Packet Pick-up
August 16: Corrida del Mariachi 5k


September 1: Let Me Tell You, a Storytelling Jam
September 5: Senior Movie in the Afternoon:
September 11: Board of Commissioners Board Meeting
September 13: Flea Market


October 3: Senior Movie in the Afternoon:
October 6: Let Me Tell You, a Storytelling Jam
October 9:  Board of Commissioners Board Meeting
ctober 14: Senior Gala
October 23: Halloween House Decorating Contest
October 24: Haunted House & Storytelling Tour
October 25: Fall Fest & Trunk or Treat


November 1: Paint & Pour
November 3: Let Me Tell You, a Storytelling Jam
November 7: Senior Movie in the Afternoon:
November 8: Themed Party
November 13: Board of Commissioners Board Meeting


December 1-13: Letters to Santa
December 1: Let Me Tell You, a Storytelling Jam
December 4: Santa Claus is Coming to Town
December 5: Santa Claus is Coming to Town
December 5: Senior Movie in the Afternoon:
December 6: Santa Claus is Coming to Town
December 9: Senior Gala
December 11:  Board of Commissioners Board Meeting
December 13: Santa's Workshop
December 18: Holiday House Decorating Contest
December 19: Santa’s Calling
December 2025/26: Camp Igloo


Save Your Programs

Nothing prevents a good program from running more than waiting until the last minute to register for it.
Classes that have a low enrollment are generally cancelled approximately one week prior to the first meeting date.
Please register for your programs as early as possible to avoid cancellations.


Keep up to date with news and events signing up for our monthly newsletter

Stay Connected

North Berwyn Park District 

Community Center
Address: 1619 Wesley Avenue
Berwyn, IL 60402
Phone: (708) 749-4900
Fax: (708) 749-4966

Monday - Friday: 9:00 am – 7:00 pm 
Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Sunday: Closed
Holiday closures for  2025:  
1/20, 2/17, 5/26, 6/19, 7/4, 9/1, 10/13, 11/11, 11/27, 11/28, 12/24, 12/25, 12/31
these dates are subject to change.

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