MARTIAL ARTS: The study of martial arts has long been tied to the concept of respect. This concept is taught by requiring eye contact, obedience, and the trademark martial arts bow.
Learn the basic fundamentals of the Korean art of self-defense, including kicks, blocks, and punches! No martial arts experience needed for this class. Here’s the opportunity for you to take a self-defense course and move up the belt ranking ladder. If you are a returning student, you may qualify for the next belt level.
8 weeks Ages: 6-12 yrs. Day: Tuesdays & Thursdays Date: 3/25-5/22 *No class 4/1, 4/3 Time: 6:00-7:00 pm D/ND Fee: $59/$69 Location: Lincoln Middle School Code: 172402A
Students holding a rank of Green Belt or higher will receive advanced instruction. Sparring and advanced form practice will be emphasized. Beginners need instructor’s permission to enroll in this class.
8 weeks Ages: 6-15 yrs. Day: Mondays & Wednesdays Date: 3/24-5/21 *No class 3/31, 4/2 Time: 6:00-7:00 pm D/ND Fee: $59/$69 Location: Lincoln Middle School Code: 172401A
Beginning students will learn the fundamentals of the Korean art of self-defense. Returning students will receive advanced instruction and will have the opportunity for promotion to the next belt level. This class also serves as a great work out!
8 weeks Ages: 13+ yrs. Day: Mondays & Wednesdays Date: 3/24-5/21 *No class 3/31, 4/2 Time: 7:00-8:00 pm D/ND Fee: $59/$69 Location: Lincoln Middle School Code: 172403A
This class is designed for younger children that might have a difficult time following a regular martial arts class. It gives an introduction to the Tae Kwon Do and martial arts etiquette through structured practice in an age-appropriate and fun environment! All participants will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the session.
8 weeks Ages: 5-7 yrs. Day: Saturdays Date: 3/29-5/24 *No class 4/19 Time: 9:45-10:30 am D/ND Fee: $39/$49 Location: Community Center Code: 172406A
Learn the basic throwing, grappling, and falling techniques of the Japanese art of Judo. Self-defense aspects will also be taught. A great class for those with no martial arts experience or even for our current Tae Kwon Do students wishing to supplement their existing skills.
8 weeks Ages: 7-12 yrs. Day: Saturdays Date: 3/29-5/24 *No class 4/19 Time: 10:45-11:45 am D/ND Fee: $39/$49 Location: Community Center Code: 172405A
Nothing prevents a good program from running more than waiting until the last minute to register for it. Classes that have a low enrollment are generally cancelled approximately one week prior to the first meeting date. Please register for your programs as early as possible to avoid cancellations.